In the name of Allah the Merciful

Stats: Modeling the World 5th Edition

David E. Bock, Paul F. Velleman, Richard D. De Veaux, Floyd Bullard, B07R8FRNFX, 0134685768, 0134687965, 013468804X, 9780134685762, 9780134687964, 9780134688732, 978-0134685762, 978-0134687964, 978-0134688732, 978-0134688046, 9780134688046

20 $

English | 2019 | Original PDF | 126 MB | 939 Pages

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For courses in Introductory Statistics (algebra-based).

Gets students thinking statistically from the start

Stats: Modeling the World by Bock, Velleman, DeVeaux, and Bullard engages students by opening with practical data analysis and graphics. Chapters begin with new, motivating examples and follow through with analyses of the data; then, real-world examples provide a basis for sample problems and exercises.

The authors’ colloquial, approachable writing style reads unlike any other statistics text. Their signature Think, Show, and Tell problem-solving method guides students through learning what we can find in data, why we find it interesting, and how to report it to others. Focused lessons are shorter than in most other texts, and are more manageable for both students and instructors. The 5th Edition extends the innovations of this acclaimed text, with important revisions and additions that support the teaching of Statistics and statistical thinking as it is practiced today.