In the name of Allah the Merciful

Sustainable Protein Sources: Advances for a Healthier Tomorrow

2nd Edition, Sudarshan Nadathur, Janitha P.D. Wanasundara, Laurie Scanlin, B0CNNKQ14T, 032391652X, 0323916538, 9780323916523, 9780323916530, 978-0323916523, 978-0323916530, 978-0-323-91652-3

15 $

English | 2024 | PDF | 17 MB | 717 Pages

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Sustainable Protein Sources: Advances for a Healthier Tomorrow, Second Edition explores alternative proteins, including plant, fungal, algal and  insect proteins that can take the place of meat as sustainable sources  to satisfy human protein needs. This revised edition presents the  benefits of plant and alternative protein consumption, including those  that benefit the environment, population, and consumer trends and  contains new chapters on potato protein, faba bean, chickpea, and  coconut. Organized by protein, chapters also cover cereals and legumes,  oilseeds, pseudocereals, fungi, algae, insects and fermentation-derived  dairy and meat proteins paying particular attention to the nutrition,  uses, functions, benefits, and challenges of each. 

The  book also explores ways to improve utilization and addresses everything  from consumer acceptability, methods of improving the taste of products  containing these proteins and ways in which policies can affect the use  of alternate proteins. In addition, the book addresses sustainable  protein as a pathway to securing the food supply and considers  regenerative versus extractive agriculture alongside new methods in  farming and water usage. 

  • Introduces the need to shift from animal-derived to plant-based protein and fermentation derived proteins
  • Discusses nutritive values of each protein source and compares each alternate protein to more complete proteins
  • Provides an overview of production, including processing, protein isolation, use cases and functionality