In the name of Allah the Merciful

The Cell: A Molecular Approach 9th Edition

Geoffrey Cooper, Kenneth Adams, 0197583911, 0197685579, 0197583725, 0197661726, 9780197583722, 9780197583920, 9780197583913, 9780197685570, 9780197661727, 978-0197583722, 978-0197583920, 978-0197583913, 978-0197685570, 978-0197661727

20 $

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The Cell: A Molecular Approach is an ideal resource for undergraduate students in a one-semester introduction to cell biology.

Cell  biology instructors face the challenge of cultivating both the  foundational knowledge and analytical skills that students need for  their entry into an increasingly complex field.

The Cell: A Molecular Approach endeavors to address those issues with succinct writing, incorporation  of current research, a test bank that encourages critical thinking, and  an active learning framework. The text presents fundamental concepts and  current research, including chapters on Genomics and Transcriptional  Regulation and Epigenetics, and new in-text boxed features on Molecular  Medicine and Key Experiments.

The Cell: A Molecular Approach is available with Oxford Insight. Oxford Insight pairs best-in-class  OUP content with curated media resources, activities, and gradable  assessment, in a guided learning environment that delivers performance  analytics, drives student engagement, and improves student outcomes.