In the name of Allah the Merciful

The Foundation and Art of Robotic Surgery

Pier Cristoforo Giulianotti, Enrico Benedetti, Alberto Mangano, 1264257422, 1264257430, 9781264257423, 9781264257430, 9781264257423, 9781264257430, 1-26-425743-0, 978-1-26-425743-0

10 $

English | 2024 | Original PDF | 200 MB | 1104 Pages

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The Foundation and Art of Robotic Surgery facilitates the learning of surgery while applying robotic technology  in multiple anatomical locations, using a comprehensive, concise and  practical description of each standardized surgical procedure. The book  provides clear descriptions of the instrument requirements, indications  and relative contraindications to the robotic approach, preoperative  phases including trocar placement, patient positioning, OR set-up, and a  detailed description of the operative steps.

Each  operation is divided into steps with specific timeframes, for learning  and teaching purposes. Readers will learn how to use robots to make  smaller incisions, decrease blood loss and postoperative pain, as well  as foster quicker healing time and reduce hospital stays. Written by the  senior editors with the contribution of internationally renowned  robotic surgeons and academics, this is an invaluable resource for both  beginner and experienced surgeons performing robotic procedures for the  first time.

The Foundation and Art of Robotic Surgery features:

  • 900+ photos and 900+ drawings of the standard anatomy, anatomical variations and surgical maneuvers
  • Access to 200+ videos (video clips of the main steps and full procedures videos) with a subscription to AccessSurgery
  • Fifty-one  chapters covering General Principles of Robotic Surgery, Thyroid  Surgery, Chest Surgery, Gastric and Bariatric Surgery, Intestinal  Surgery, Spleen and Pancreas Surgery, Liver Surgery, Transplant Surgery,  and more
  • Clear,  concise presentation of the instruments, tools, material, indications  and relative contraindications to the robotic approach, preoperative  phases and each operative steps
  • Boxed text highlighting tips and tricks, anatomical notions, common pitfalls, editorial comments and average time frames
  • Techniques for robotic transplant surgery, renal aneurysm repair and single port robotic surgery principles