“Once seen as a detriment, emotions are now emerging as a powerful attribute. People who have had to learn to toughen up to get ahead are now leaning toward the gifts of highly sensitive people. Elena Amber takes us through hidden gifts of sensitivity and shows practical ways to channel these to their highest levels. The Gift of Sensitivity is a guidebook for the evolving new humanity. “ - Steve Rother, Founder, speaker, 8X author and 5X presenter at the United Nations, including the Class on Channeling
“When groups congregate, having even one highly sensitive person increases the group's effectiveness. Humans thrive on collective action, and sensitive people like being part of a group and will work to make the group successful. The empath's social nature guides others in improving health and happiness. For those of us who are less sensitive, there are lessons to be learned from the highly sensitive.” - Dr. Paul J. Zak, Professor, speaker, neuroeconomist, and author of Immersion: The Science of the Extraordinary and the Source of Happiness
“Sensitivity and empathy are core skills for Experience designers. In this highly personal work, Elena Amber shares the tale of how she became more sensitive, and the benefits of sensitivity." - James Wallman, Futurist, 2x TEDx, 2x bestselling books, CEO World Experience Organization
This is the era of emotion: EQ training for employees, empathy in leadership, the Experience Economy of consumers. But how do we access the full potential of creativity, originality, innovation, intuition, flexibility, and inclusiveness that emotions can unlock? Through sensitivity.
Sensitivity is the degree to which we sense and perceive the world. For too long we have seen it as a weakness, especially in business: Elena Amber demonstrates that it is the source of our most authentic strength, and our superpower for the future.
Elena Amber brings her years of research in human experience and psychology, focused particularly on emotional engagement, her international business experience and her profound meditation practice to show how connecting to emotions by embracing sensitivity unlocks our most extraordinary and profound faculties.