In the name of Allah the Merciful

The Manual: A practical guide to life, health and happiness

UK Edition, Kieran Kennedy, 9781761267055, 978-1761267055

English | 2023 | EPUB, Converted PDF

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What does it mean to be a man in the 2020s?

In a fast-paced and  ever-changing world, the way young men see themselves, masculinity and  men's health is evolving. We're now in an era where success isn't  defined by your job title or the circumference of your bicep.  Traditional definitions of masculinity no longer apply, as blokes all  over the globe crave a more holistic approach to health, life and  happiness.

So how do we navigate the new landscape?

In  their ground-breaking book, psychiatrist Dr Kieran Kennedy and health  journalist Scott Henderson provide a blueprint for modern manhood. They  have written a guide for any young man hungry for knowledge on how to  traverse life, mental health and relationships, and how 'all the feels'  are intertwined with the traditional pillars of wellbeing, like exercise  and nutrition. For the health obsessed and the health curious, The  Manual celebrates the changing face of manhood with relatable and  practical tools to empower men to think of health as more than purely  skin deep.

Let's help you be your best man.