In the name of Allah the Merciful

The Physiology of the Joints, Volume 1: Upper Limb

6th Edition, I. A. Kapandji, 044310350X, 978-0443103506, 9780443103506

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This text provides the reader an understanding of the mechanics of the joints with the help of diagrams rather than text. The commentaries are short (on double page spreads); the quality, clarity and simplicity of the drawings and diagrams are such that they could be understood without any verbal explanation. The drawings are unusually clear: everything which could hinder understanding has been removed and one feels that the author has foreseen the difficulties which the student could encounter. Each time a problem arises it is explained by a diagram which, though simplified, is extremely clear.

  • New functional tests for the shoulder, the elbow and the hand
  • Explanation of why the forearm has two bones
  • A logical and mathematical explanation of the so called CODMANN Paradox
  • New conceptions of the physiology of the carpus
  • Clear explanation of notions as DISI and VISI for the pathology of the carpus
  • New cotation of the thumb opposition and counter-opposition, presently integrated in the International Evaluation
  • Fundamental notion of the complex grip-plus-action, very important for the evaluation of the function of the hand
  • Symbolic and affective value of the hand
  • A comprehensive board of the motor nerves of the upper limb
  • New test to detect an ulnar palsy at the forearm