In the name of Allah the Merciful

The Properties of Gases and Liquids 6th Edition

J. Richard Elliott, Vladimir Diky, Thomas A. Knotts IV, W. Vincent Wilding, B0BS5SLZJK, 1260116344, 1260116352, 9781260116342, 9781260116359, 978-1260116342, 978-1260116359

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A thoroughly revised edition of the go-to chemical engineering reference

Fully  updated for the latest advances, this must-have chemical engineering  guide serves as a single source for up-to-date physical data, chemical  data, and predictive and estimation methods. The Properties of Gases and Liquids, Sixth Edition  provides the latest curated data on over 480 compounds and includes a  special section devoted to the interpretation of uncertainty in physical  property estimation. You will get new coverage of advanced EOSs,  advanced computational methods, quantum density functional theory, and  semi-empirical combinations. Clear explanations and sample calculations  are provided throughout this all-inclusive resource.

Coverage includes:

  • Traditional and non-traditional estimation methods
  • Uncertainty
  • Critical properties and related constants
  • Ideal gas properties
  • Saturation properties and virial coefficients
  • Equations of state for pure compounds
  • Equations of state for mixture properties
  • Vapor-liquid, liquid-liquid, and solid-liquid equilibria
  • Infinite dilution activity coefficients
  • Viscosity and thermal conductivity
  • Diffusivity and surface tension