In the name of Allah the Merciful

The Ultimate Fitness Solution: How To Build Your Own Workout Routine

Jose Salazar

10 $

English | 2022 | EPUB, Converted PDF

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Daily exercise is good for optimizing health. But with so many options  and limitless information available, it's easy to get overwhelmed with  what works. But not to worry. Check out the exercises and combine them  into a routine for a workout that's simple but powerful and sure to keep  you in shape for the rest of your life. This book includes: A Complete  Bodyweight Muscle Building Plan, 3 Fat Blasting Workouts for Maximum Fat  Loss, What to Eat Before a Workout, What to Eat After a Workout and 13  Exercise Motivation Tips to Help You Stick to a Workout Routine

Table of contents:
A Complete Bodyweight Muscle Building Plan 1
3 Fat Blasting Workouts for Maximum Fat Loss 10
What to Eat Before a Workout 16
What to Eat After a Workout 34
13 Exercise Motivation 47