In the name of Allah the Merciful

Think! And Lose Weight: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective WEIGHT LOSS

Critical Bench, Shawn Lebrun, Dave Hall, B07WXMFKQ8

10 $

English | 2019 | PDF | 3 MB | 105 Pages

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While losing weight is certainly attributed to a more active lifestyle and improved eating habits, the real victory is in the mindset shift that must occur in order to see lasting results...

The core lesson of THINK! and Lose Weight is that success of any kind in life, whether that be financial success, professional success or weight loss success, is entirely dependent on your mind.

This book was inspired by two previous hugely powerful books about adopting new habits in life and letting them guide you along your journey to success.

The way you think about what you want and why you want it is the single greatest determiner in whether you will succeed or not. That means that success, ultimately, is a choice.