In the name of Allah the Merciful

Treating Trauma in Trans People: An Intersectional, Phase-Based Approach

Reese Minshew, 2022007438, 2022007439, 9780367681685, 9780367681678, 9781003140740, 978-0367681685, 978-0367681678, 978-1003140740

10 $

English | 2022 | PDF

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Treating Trauma in Trans People brings together key concepts from both  gender-affirming treatment and trauma-focused care, with interventions  focused on resolving physiological, intrapsychic, and interpersonal  disruptions. Symptoms related to trauma and stress manifest in bodies,  psyches, and interpersonal interactions. Gender, too, is impacted by  bodies, psyches, and interpersonal interactions. With chapters that  focus on each of these domains, this book provides a framework for  clinicians eager to provide trauma-informed, gender-inclusive care. The  book then broadens the lens to the systemic, acknowledging the limits of  individual interventions when located within a larger framework of  systemic oppression and asking clinicians to consider liberation and  justice as treatment goals.