In the name of Allah the Merciful

Urban Infrastructure and Economic Development in China

Chunyang Pan, Xie'an Huang, 9789819966288, 978-9819966288, 978-981-99-6628-8, 978-981-99-6629-5, 978-9819966295, 9789819966295, B0CNCCK7W4, 9819966280

20 $

English | 2024 | PDF | 3 MB | 174 Pages

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This book provides an overview of the history, basic concepts, and provision models of infrastructure, significant theories on infrastructure economics, practices at home and abroad that reflect the economic development effects of infrastructure, and four infrastructure economic growth models. Great attention is placed on the domestic front. This book describes and discusses in detail the historical background, development trends, achievements, and challenges of China’s infrastructure from 1949 to 2019, under the classic “supply and demand” analysis framework. From the four perspectives of market integration, open development, people’s livelihood, and endogenous growth, this book carries out an empirical study on how to quantify and make causal inferences about the economic development effects of infrastructure. Based on the conclusion that national governance is of important help to infrastructure provision, this book interprets China’s governance system and its impact on infrastructure provision from the angle of decentralization and offers suggestions on policy optimizing.


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