In the name of Allah the Merciful

Utilization of Waste Biomass in Energy, Environment and Catalysis

Dan Bahadur Pal, Pardeep Singh, B09RTN85CT, 1032051620, 9781032051628, 978-1-03-205162-8, 978-1032051628, 978-1-03-205163-5, 978-1032051635, 9781032051635, 978-1-00-319635-8, 9781003196358, 978-1003196358

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Biomass finds its application as feedstock to produce biofuels and other value-added products, which finds usage in energy and environmental areas with particular focus on bioenergy production from different biomass and high-volume, medium-value industrial products. This book investigates problems of controlled synthesis of these materials and the effect of their morphological, physical, and chemical characteristics on their adsorption or desorption capacity and recent progress in green catalysts derived from biomass for various catalytic applications. Socioeconomic impacts on environment and climate regarding waste biomass are discussed as well.


  • Covers recent progress on green catalysts derived from biomass
  • Explores the biomass conversion to different resources
  • Introduces the utilization of biowaste in environmental aspects
  • Discusses the biomass applications in different types of energy
  • Proposes microbial waste biomass as a resource of renewable energy

This book is aimed at professionals and senior undergraduate students in environmental sciences, energy studies, and environmental and chemical engineering.


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