In the name of Allah the Merciful

Viking Migration and Settlement in East Anglia: The Place-Name Evidence

by David Boulton, B0CG3Q17G1, 1914427254, 1914427262, 9781914427251, 9781914427268, 978-1914427251, 978-1914427268

10 $

English | 2023 | Original PDF

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This book shows how analysis of Scandinavian-influenced  place-names in their landscape contexts can provide crucial new evidence  of differing processes of Viking migration and settlement in East  Anglia between the late ninth and eleventh centuries.

The  place-names of East Anglia have until now received little attention in  the academic study of Viking settlement. Similarly, the question of a  possible migration of settlers from Scandinavia during the Viking period  was for many years dismissed by historians and archaeologists – until  the recent discovery by metal-detectorists of abundant Scandinavian  metalwork and jewellery in many parts of East Anglia. David Boulton has  synthesised these two previously neglected elements to offer new  insights into the processes of Viking settlement.

This book  provides the first comprehensive analysis of Scandinavian-influenced  place-names in East Anglia. It examines their different categories  linguistically and explores the landscape and archaeological contexts of  the settlements associated with them, with the aid of GIS-generated  maps. Dr Boulton shows how the process of Viking settlement was  influenced by changes in rural society and agriculture which were then  already occurring in East Anglia, such as the late Anglo-Saxon expansion  of arable farming and the associated recolonisation of the inland clay  plateau. These developments resulted in patterns of place-name formation  which differ significantly from some of the previously accepted,  orthodox interpretations of how Scandinavian-influenced place-names  (especially those containing the bý and thorp elements, and the  ‘Grimston-hybrids’) came into being in the Danelaw.

In view of  these discrepancies, David Boulton proposes an innovative, hypothetical  model for the formation of the Scandinavian-influenced place-names in  East Anglia, which explores differing patterns and phases of Viking  settlement in the region and the possible pathways of migration that  preceded them.