In the name of Allah the Merciful

Williams' Nutrition for Health Fitness and Sport 13th Edition

Tammy Stephenson, 1266132147, 9781266132148, 978-1266132148

20 $

English | 2024 | PDF

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Nutrition for Health, Fitness and Sport uses a question-answer approach,  which is convenient when you may have occasional short periods to  study, such as riding a bus or during a lunch break. In addition, the  questions are arranged in a logical sequence, the answer to one question  often leading into the question that follows. Where appropriate,  cross-referencing within the text is used to expand the discussion. No  deep scientific background is needed for the chemical aspects of  nutrition and energy expenditure, as these have been simplified.  Instructors who use this book as a course text may add details of  biochemistry as they feel necessary.


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