In the name of Allah the Merciful

With Hot Lead and Cold Steel: American Civil War Wargaming Rules

by Arthur Van Der Ster, Mark Stacey, B0BLHDCZT8, 1472860004, 978-1472860002, 9781472860002

10 $

English | 2023 | EPUB

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A set of wargaming rules for fighting large battles set during the American Civil War.

From  the First Bull Run to Appomattox Court House, enter one of the defining  conflicts of American history. With shot, shell, and sabre, guide the  armies of the Blue and the Grey through this first modern war to  determine the fate of a nation.

With Hot Lead and Cold Steel is  a large-scale, mass-battle wargame for recreating the American Civil  War. Designed to handle brigade and divisional level engagements while  providing a balance between ease of play and period detail, With Hot Lead and Cold Steel is  ideal for new gamers and wargaming veterans alike. It contains  everything players need to raise armies and craft scenarios, whether  based upon historical campaigns and orders of battle or those of their  own devising.