In the name of Allah the Merciful

World Yearbook of Education 2023: Racialization and Educational Inequality in Global Perspective

Janelle Scott, Monisha Bajaj, 9781032148434, 9781032148441, 9781003241393, 978-1032148434, 978-1032148441, 978-1003241393

15 $

English | 2022 | PDF

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The World Yearbook of Education 2023 centers on the intersection of  racialization, inequality, and education. It critically examines how  racial formation and its associated logics about citizenship, belonging,  justice, equality, and humanity manifest in early childhood education,  primary, secondary, and higher education, as well as non-formal,  community-based education settings. The chapters offer multisited  perspectives into how racialization has and continues to shape  educational inequality, with an eye towards the agency and resistance of  youth and communities in contesting such forms of domination and  marginalization.

Across three sections, the book examines how  forces of imperialism, white supremacy, and colonization have shaped  racialization in distinct locations and how education was historically  utilized as a site for both the creation and/or reification of  difference. It reveals the lingering effects of processes of  racialization in distinct locations globally and their intersections  with educational policies, ideologies, systems, and realities.

Inviting  readers to learn, reflect, and engage with the layered and complex  realities of racialization and inequality in education across the globe,  World Yearbook of Education 2023 is a timely and important contribution  to discussions of racialization and provides the field with a robust  foundation for future critical inquiry and engagement with the themes of  race, racialization, inequality, and education.