In the name of Allah the Merciful

Your Introduction to Education: Explorations in Teaching, 5th edition

Sara D. Powell, 9780138171391, 978-0138171391, 9780138285210, 978-0138285210, 0-13-817139-4, 978-0-13-817139-1

10 $

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Your Introduction to Education is an engaging overview of who teachers are, the work they do, and the realities of life in the classroom. Designed to help you discover your teaching identity, the text weaves the real-life experiences of 8 focus teachers and 8 students from 4 schools across the country into its content. These people and places are drawn from urban, suburban and rural settings, so you can examine teaching and learning from a variety of perspectives. Features throughout the text encourage you to reflect on what you’ve read, examine your own opinions, and develop your own personal teaching style.

The 5th Edition includes new content and strategies that support promoting diversity, equity and inclusion as well as active citizenship and civility. Up-to-date data, tables and figures help you envision the life circumstances of the students who will fill your classroom.