Existential Crises in Educational Administration and Leadership: Existential Anxiety and Loss of Meaning in the Gaze of Munch’s ‘The Scream’ 10 USD
Teaching Well with Adolescent Learners: Responding to Developmental Changes in Middle School and High School 10 USD
The Patchwork of World History in Texas High Schools: Unpacking Eurocentrism, Imperialism, and Nationalism in the Curriculum, 1920-2021 10 USD
Creativity in Teaching and Teaching for Creativity: Modern Practices in the Digital Era in Engineering 10 USD
Manuale di legislazione universitaria. Organizzazione e gestione finanziaria e contabile delle Università 10 USD
In-Service Development Course for English Language Teachers. Resource Pack (photocopiable materials) [Курс фахового вдосконалення вчителів англійської мови в інститутах післядипломної освіти] 10 USD
Responsabilidad social y desarrollo sustentable: enfoque multidisciplinario para el fortalecimiento de una cultura sustentable 10 USD