Disrupt Yourself, With a New Introduction: Master Relentless Change and Speed Up Your Learning Curve 20 USD
The Rise Of Green Finance In Europe: Opportunities And Challenges For Issuers, Investors And Marketplaces 20 USD
Braided Organizations: Designing Augmented Human-Centric Processes to Enhance Performance and Innovation 20 USD
Consumer, Prosumer, Prosumager: How Service Innovations will Disrupt the Utility Business Model 20 USD
Enhancing Board Effectiveness: Institutional, Regulatory, and Functional Perspectives for Developing and Emerging Markets 20 USD
Cognitive Automation and Organizational Psychology: Priming Goals as a New Source of Competitive Advantage 20 USD
Identity, Power and Influence in the Boardroom: Actionable Strategies for Developing High Impact Directors and Boards 20 USD