Learn Basic Infrastructure of Java and Python Programming: For Freshers and Experience Professional Applying For Job
Introduction to Python: With Applications in Optimization, Image and Video Processing, and Machine Learning
Python and SQL Bible: From Beginner to World Expert: Unleash the true potential of data analysis and manipulation
Mastering Spring Framework: Java Development Made Easy: Learn Spring JDBC, Spring AOP, JUnit, and Mockito for Expert-Level Java
Enterprise Architecture with .NET: Expert-backed advice for information system design, down to .NET and C#
Mastering PyTorch: Create and deploy deep learning models from CNNs to multimodal models, LLMs and beyond, 2nd Edition
Modern Graph Theory Algorithms with Python: Harness the power of graph algorithms and real-world network applications
Mastering Python Design Patterns: Craft essential Python patterns by following core design principles, 3rd Edition